Below you will find some of Fuel Cell Store's helpful tools for creating your electrochemical device:
Electrolyzer Design Helper: Use the spreadsheet in this post to help determine your stack's efficiency and production rate. All you have to do is input the information from your IV curve, and the spreadsheet will do all the work!
Determining the Number of Cells for your Hydrogen/Air Fuel Cell: Input the information from your MEA's IV curve, then just plug in the total power you need, your active area and your current density and this handy spreadsheet will return the total number of cells that should be in your stack.
Membrane Comparison Chart - 2024: Check out our Membrane Comparison Chart from 2024. This will give you all the vital information for the membranes carried by Fuel Cell Store. This is updated often, so check back for updated versions.
Gas Diffusion Layer Comparison Chart - 2023: Check out our GDL Comparison Chart from 2023. This will give you all the vital information for the GDLs carried by Fuel Cell Store. This is updated often, so check back for updated versions.
MEA Activation Process: Properly activating your MEA can save a lot of time and effort before your testing begins. Check out this article that will show you the best way to activate your MEAs.